A10 Enfield Crematorium Footbridge

Works on renewal of the anti-skid coating on both stairs of the A10 footbridge at Enfield Crematorium have been completed by Rhinoceros. The job also included recoating both stair towers and their balustrading.

After removal of the existing anti-skid, the towers were blast cleaned, primed and re-coated  The new paint system is HA spec, using PPG epoxy and two pack polyurethane paints, specifically Sigmacover 690, 456HS and Sigmadur 550.

The works are part of a £4bn TfL road modernisation plan. The bridge span is due to be blast-cleaned, primed adn re-coated after the winter.

Below: renewal of the anti-skid coating, the final part of works on the stairs. 


Cambridge Road Footbridge A10


Enfield Cast Iron Footbridges